Todorov Mykhaylo Dmytrovych
Todorov Mykhaylo Dmytrovych – was born on the 6th of June, 1916 in Blagoevo village (now Odessa region). He studied at the Repin Institute of Painting, sculpture, and Architecture, Academy of Arts of the USSR. Mentors: Johanson B., Zaitsev O. Worked in the easel painting industry. Since 1965 he participated in republican, all-Union, and foreign exhibitions. Main works: "Swallow" (1959 - 1960); "New Construction" (1964); "Morning" (1965 - 1967); "Cypresses" (1966) "; "Youth" (1967) "; "Noon" (1968) "; "In the mountains of the Crimea" (1969) and others. The Artist died in 1997.