Lomykin Kostantin Matvyevich
Lomykin Konstantin Matvyevich – was born on the 19th of March, 1924 in the Glukhiv town, Sumy region. He studied at Odessa Art College. Mentors: Muchnik L., Shelyuto N., Poplavsky M. Since 1951, he has taken part in regional, republican, all-Union, and foreign exhibitions. Member of the Odesa organization of the Union of Artists of the USSR since 1953. The author of thematic paintings, figurative art, landscapes, and still life. Since 1971, Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. In 1984, Konstantin Matvyevich was awarded the title of National Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. The artist`s works are represented in art museums, as well as in private collections in Ukraine, and abroad. The artist died in 1994.